Innovating and modernizing its fleet, Master Marine invested in one more fully designed truck to better serve its customers.
It is a vehicle, Mercedes 2426, model Trucado Refrigerado, developed in partnership with several companies.
The truck has cooling independent of the engine. It also triggers the defrost automatically, a differential that even makes it possible to monitor remotely via cell phone, identifying in real time if there is any irregularity in the system.
The new vehicle allows for more flexibility and agility in operations, transporting meat, poultry, fish, fruit and vegetables, cereals, among other materials.
“This is the first truck completely modeled by Master Marineand, also featuring a ramp to facilitate the loading and unloading of products, as in other vehicles in the fleet, but it is a unique model, developed with special features to meet our needs", explains Leandro Pires Dias, Operations and Logistics Manager at Master Marine.
The company now has eight trucks to quickly serve operations in the Port of Santos, Port of São Sebastião, in addition to the other ports where it operates in the country. According to Operations Director Flávio Pierotti, this is another step Master Marine provided for in the Strategic Plan, which includes modernization and investment in technology, fleet, professional training and improvement of internal processes.
source: Ascom Master Marine